A note about women’s working lives…..
In general, women tend to prioritise the essential things - what must be done - and we attend to those things diligently and effectively.
We are often skilled at responding to the needs of others.
We usually step up and become even more efficient when we take on more;
This can distract us from paying attention to other, less urgent issues.
We can get consumed by the responsibilities and priorities that fill our life and work;
As a result, we can put ourselves, our needs and our desires lower down the list
And our confidence can take a dip.
We may be less inclined to participate in organisational politics
And are not always prepared to step into roles in which our abilities have yet to be proven or demonstrated.
As a result, we can get overlooked, side-lined or stuck. Or fail to make our fullest and most powerful contributions.
And may well be paid less than we deserve.
Does any of this sound familiar?
Working with the reality of your life and where you are now, I will structure an approach that encourages you to take your eye above the day to day and think about yourself and your career – whether that is for now, for next week or the next 5 years.