Dealing with Change and Transition
Change is unsettling. It can disrupt our normal routines, and send us into thoughts and feelings that are uncomfortable, unfamiliar and unwelcome.
Emotions are heightened. Feelings generated in the process can destabilise our sense of self. Perhaps we are having to react to the needs of many people around us, trying to keep things safe and steady, when it seems anything but.
Sometimes it can feel that we are stuck, and can’t see a way forward. Maybe there are too many options or the next step looks too difficult or significant. Where is best to start? Often, we are so effective at managing multiple priorities, it can feel frustrating that our normal ways of driving things on just don’t seem to work.
Coaching is all about your own change. And sometimes about the workplace changes you need to achieve through others.
I’ll help you take more space to think. Taking time to step back from the practicalities of the day to day will help you see more clearly, to identify what is important to you. In the process you’ll explore your aspirations and define personally relevant or professionally-focussed goals. These could be within an immediate time frame, or much longer term.
And we’ll consider how to create the shifts that move you forward positively.
I’ll also keep a focus on your personal well-being, your resilience and clear sense of self. I’ll support you along the way, drawing on many years’ experience working with people in change and transition. And if they are relevant to you and your situation, we’ll consider tried and tested change models, and see how they can deepen understanding or illuminate options.
With structured reflection on what truly matters to us, more attention to our own thoughts and beliefs, our confidence grows, our thoughts ease and we see more clearly, both in the here and now and for our future plans.
Change demands much of us. Experience shows that we need to keep intellectually agile and emotionally nimble. Practical skills and effective techniques can keep us resilient, grounded, calm and creative. I’ll suggest those that can work for you.
Working together I’ll help you to create a new normal, that works in your life. We’ll explore the big picture, and the small details. At the heart is my commitment to helping you bring what’s most important to the forefront of your life. However demanding or uncertain it can seem, there will be ways forward.