Meg Maunder

I have had a long and interesting career in a variety of roles in education for over 40 years. I am Co-Founder with Eve Warren of Women into school Headship (WiSH) and have worked with Eve for over 30 years. I am currently a freelance consultant in educational leadership.

I was centrally involved in the setting up of the National Professional Qualification for Headship as the Centre Manager for Training and Development for the East of England based at the University of Cambridge. This qualification enabled all senior school leaders ambitious to become headteachers the opportunity to explore and fully appreciate the complex role of headship. In working with experienced headteachers and measuring themselves against National Standards these senior leaders greatly increased their confidence and self-belief.

As Assistant Director of The National College for School Leadership I was responsible for all National Advanced Stage Leadership Programmes. Having worked with governors over many years, particularly on headship appointments and training, I led the College’s strategic role with governors. Later, I worked with the Hay Group on a Leadership programme which focused on motivation which has influenced my consultancy work with school leaders.

As a result of current national developments in education, I am now a Trustee (Director of Education and Schools) of a Church of England Multi-Academy Trust in Nottinghamshire. This has enabled me to play a significant role in the development of this national initiative at a local level. These new Trusts provide an education system for the benefit of all our children.

My passion in all my work stems from my strong belief that talent is not sufficiently nurtured and nourished. The potential of too many teachers is lost. It is important that we convince able school leaders that they can aspire to headship. The emphasis of my work is to ensure that they are recognized and affirmed so that they can increase in confidence and believe sufficiently in themselves ‘to put their hat in the ring’ and apply for senior leadership roles in schools and education.

Now my contribution to the further development of WiSH, is to offer in confidence, help and support, in the complete process of applying for headship and/or senior leadership posts. In addition, I also provide ongoing mentoring support in these roles.